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(A) New Life on the water

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So, after ‘splashing’ with New Life on the second of April, the pace of life completely changed for us. First, news from Tonga about the accidental death of Marea’s brother Ben, and his wife Rochelle, completely took the wind out of our sails. So it was good to be on the water which allowed us to get some distance from the world and for Marea to make a start at finding her bearings again.

To Bahia San Pedro
After organising the boat, affairs in Mexico and Tonga in parallel, we escaped the Semana Santa party week over Easter to the secluded bay of San Pedro. As you will see in the video, the deserted scenery is stunning. In the surrounding rocky bays we also had a chance to go underwater, even with Nico alongside for some of it!

Solo across the Pacific
But before we left San Carlos bay, I caught up with Yan, a French/Canadian we had gotten to know in the boat yard. I filmed him getting ready to sail across the Sea of Cortez, on the first leg of an oceanic voyage that would take him nearly as far out as Hawaii. Only a few months ago he had returned to San Carlos from a tour of French Polynesia. Yesterday he messaged us from La Paz that he was nearly ready to start the month long passage to British Colombia.

A circus, a splash and many jugs of water

As for ourselves, today we returned from a few days at  the port of Guyamas to attend the launch of a boat, SV Discovery, belonging to another sailing family with whom we spent much time with over the past two months. And since we found an idyllic fishing wharf in a nearby bay  where we could berth for 5 dollars a day, we were able to provision and visit a Mexican circus with Nico. The water to refill our tanks was delivered by a mother and her sons, filled into 5 gallon (20L) jugs in a home based purification plant. Look out for those videos arriving on YouTube soon. 

With a little help from our friends
Want to help us? Well, now that we are on the water we are trying to bring some momentum into our YouTube channel and grow our audience. Anything that shows YouTube that our channel is of interest will help … Subscribe, like, thumbs up, comment, share or even just watching the whole video are positive signals, as far as the YouTube algorithm is concerned.
Thank you.
Rendt, Marea and Nico

Watch and thumbs up the videos here: 

We’re still getting used to being offline most of the time.  :/

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