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Village life on the water

El Meru Wharf 

There are many places to work on one’s boat: in a boat yard, on anchor, or even in your backyard. Marinas are usually are not one of them, as the noise and dirt are frowned upon. 
But El Mero Wharf does not fall into any of those categories. The marina is no longer maintained, but there is security and a toilet block with running water. Last year we spent a fortnight here and were keen to come back again to finish work on New Life. 
So we sailed down from San Carlos, not far away, cleared the deck, and worked our way through our list of jobs. Chasing rust, sanding, and painting. Replacing the alternator and adding an external regulator. Replace hydraulic oil. Rebuilding the throttle lever. Installing a water filter. Fixing the plumbing. Etc etc etc. 
There are no fees, but a pleasant setting with road access, so it’s a great place to finish our to-do list from Puerto Panesco. 
Along with us are a collection of short-term and long-term transients working on their boats. 
We know some from our stay here last year, as well as from other anchorages, or from our time in the San Carlos boatyard last year. 
Life at El Meru is like a small fishing village. As the sun rises, voices can be heard, and then the clatter of boat work starts up. Tools are shared, advice is offered, and joint shopping trips to town are organized. As soon as he finishes breakfast, Nico dresses up as a pirate and is off on a round of boat visits. 
Of course, we also love getting out with Nico. The routine is for Nico to get the benefit of one parent while the other gets on with the boat or paid work. 
The port of Guaymas is 20 minutes away by taxi. This is where we go for supplies, catch a bus to San Carlos, visit the playground, or just meet some other people.
Or we find adventures to do around the bay. This day we were offered the use of a sailing dinghy by another boatie. 
After a month of painting, fixing and finishing jobs, we need to pack New Life again to cross to the other side of the Sea of Cortez. 

And it’s time for new videos. The first one due is our passage from Puerto Penasco after rebuilding the engine. Would we have any problems?

So long … Nico, Marea and Rendt – The Curious Sailors

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